using namespace std;
using namespace tbb;
typedef mutex myMutex;
static myMutex sm;
int i=0;
void someFunction()
using namespace std;
using namespace tbb;
typedef mutex myMutex;
static myMutex sm;
int i=0;
void someFunction()
myMutex::scoped_lock lock;//create a lock
// Method acquire waits until it can
// acquire a lock on the mutex
//only one thread can access the lines from here...
/*incrementing i is safe (only one thread
can execute the code in this scope) because
the mutex locked above protects all lines
of code until the lock release. */
//simply creating a delay to show that no
//other thread can increment i until release()
//is executed
cout<<"In someFunction "<<i<<endl;
//***...to here***
lock.release();//releases the lock (duh!)
lock.release();//releases the lock (duh!)
int main()
//create a thread which executes 'someFunction'
tbb_thread my_thread1(someFunction);
int main()
//create a thread which executes 'someFunction'
tbb_thread my_thread1(someFunction);
tbb_thread my_thread2(someFunction);
tbb_thread my_thread3(someFunction);
// This command causes the main thread
tbb_thread my_thread3(someFunction);
// This command causes the main thread
//(which is the 'calling-thread' in this case)
// to wait until thread1 completes its task.
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